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Design by: Andina Syafrina 

Inspired by a dot that has meaning to stop. Remind us that we need to pause for a moment to rest. Furniture facilitates people to rest for a wile (chair) and as a place to store books or goods (shelf). Furniture using wooden board material, finishing paint at the dot that becomes the vocal point of the furniture and use knock down system.



Future Architect Studio Status: Design Consept

Pontianak City Public Open Space Masterplan is a directive and guideline about the spatial arrangement, design and development program open public space in Pontianak City. This project focuses on locations that are considered strategic and necessary prioritized for development. This master plan equipped with pre-designed products at priority locations as well as a description of development programs and indication of activities prepared for the medium term 10 years. #design #project #development #masterplan #openspace

Future Architect Studio 
Status: Design Consept

Kemanapun pergi, rumah adalah tempat kembali. Sedikit kalimat pengantar bagi kami yang menjadi tantangan dalam mendesain rumah mikro ini. Perumahan ini menyangkut kampung di tepian sungai yang terdampak penggusuran karena pembangunan waterfront. Lahan yang terbatas namun kebutuhan ruang kompleks.
Micro housing ini terdiri dari 2 lantai dengan total luas lantai 32 meter persegi. Lantai pertama merupakan area publik, dan lantai kedua merupakan area yang lebih privat. Ruang-ruang juga di desain fleksibel yang dapat menjadi ruang multifungsi dengan menggunakan partisi.
Ini merupakan karya yang dibuat bersama tim sewaktu bekerja di FAS Pontianak.


Team: Andina, Yumna, Amelia, Ricky, CammileStatus: Honorable Mention


Team: Andina, Amelia, Jade, Miranda

Site Location: Mojiko, Fukuoka, Japan

Status: 6th place

Description of The Competition Theme:

Every town in the world has its own festival. It is awe in the sea and mountains, appreciation of fertility, prayers to the dead, hymns to live together. You can say that festivals are places to show what people who live in the cities put their significance on. When you participate in the festival, you feel that people who play the shrine there or those who play drums are seemed to be the same as before, and that people's activities have continued in these ways over time.

You can feel that we are alive now in the flow that has taken root in this land. Isn't there a special value in the festival space, inseparable from the town environment? The theme of this competition is “Your Town and Festival”, and consider the most familiar festival for you, then think of “Architecture with Festival”. It can be a temporary building that appears only at the time of the festival, or a building that exists on a daily basis and makes you feel that there is a festival, or a city with a festival. Scale and usage are free. By thinking about the architecture that accompanies the festival, I expect an architecture that emerges the true nature of the city.

Design Description:


Today, we see there is a boundary between the city and the river or sea. The design wants to engage people to celebrate the city also has water potential by do activities in the river. So, the people can be awareness to keep the sea or river in the city.



Team: Andina, Amelia, Zhao, Wan Jing Ming, Yurika

Site Location: Mojiko, Fukuoka, Japan
Status: Competition Entry
Design Description:
Urbanism that continues to develop towards the outskirts of the city produces holes in the center of the city where the phenomenon of neglect arises. Activating the urban cavity will change the amorphous and ambiguous landscape into new conditions of urban composition. The Happy Void will start from food injection strategy. In this phase we do some research to know about, what people looking for when to do travelling. The most people do the traveling for the food and living. Food can attrack people to take long stay in Moji and make people happy too. By this proposal we invite people to remidiate the environment at their own effort and expense independently “Food Injection" was appointed to be provocation to obtain mutualize action of hotel, residential, environment, and government. So simultaneous environmental remidiation can be optimally occured. By having this program, it will solve the problem accurately without reconstructing the whole area. The void maybe have limited space but they have unlimited opportunities for gorgeous design. This phase we will do the revitalization vacant building become temporary restaurant, inject the urban void with urban farming in the house, and inject another activities like art performance and temporary market. In the long term, by the develop food area in the city it can impact to attrack people to stay long in Moji. It is cause increase the accomodation for tourist. The accomodation tension can increase job opportunity for young people and eldery people in Moji. Besides that the design will developed the food hub as production place to save food reserves in the future Moji. This phase we will do the revitalization japanes old housing become half residential and hald commercial function. After this phase the food hub will be replicated to another area and developed the high rise public housing. The food hub and high rise public housing will become expandable evacuation place, because in the future by the global warming issues will be caused the sea water level rise up. By this concept the quality of city and shrinking environment can be improved, thereby improving people’s live by providing pleasant urban environments to live.


Divergent Team

Designed Waste Management Facilities in  Bojong Salawe, Pangandaran Regency.
The competition seeks entrants to create designs which demonstrate inspiring solutions, addressing technical considerations for sustainable design, vernacular and natural materials, climateproofing, energy efficiency and renewable energy. The material hub facility is aimed at providing local community infrastructure and the designs should present a new standard in community waste management to be used for learning and reference by other communities across Indonesia and other equatorial regions

Structure Model


Team: Andina, Gilang, Ronald, Winu

Participant In Bamboo International Workshop 2018 (The AAVS BambooLab, London collaborated with the Institut Teknologi Bandung). 
We designed Incremental Housing for victims of disasters In North Lombok, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. We use Bamboo approach as main material and structure.


Team: Andina, Ica

Marakata is the word comes from Sanskrit which means green diamond. We see that with increasing population of people, the forest and land for greenery has been cut down to build houses and factory. Therefore, plants are like a green diamond. Since many land turned to houses, there are many ways to maintain the balance with the surroundings. With the self sufficient concept in the house. Each household can fulfil their primary needs and preserve the environment at the same time. Because nature has important role for our living.

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